Muslim Market

What to Eat at Shanghai’s Muslim Markets

Explore Shanghai’s Muslim Markets There are two large Friday Markets that are hosted outside mosques. In Puxi, the original market downsized and relocated back in 2013, but it sprawls across the street from the Huxi Mosque and still sees a … Read More

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UnTour Shanghai Launches New Weekly Tours

Starting from July 16th, we will be offering a public tour every day of the week, except Sunday. Because we’re supposed to rest on that day. (Just kidding! If you want to book the Private tour on Sunday, we’re totally … Read More

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Shanghai’s Food Streets are Wildly Underrated!

Awhile back, CNNGo released an article on the best food streets in Asia. A great list, and one UnTour Shanghai will be sure to use when we’re traveling around the region, but we were disheartened to see that Shanghai didn’t … Read More

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