Chinese Restaurants Currently Open in Shanghai

Get Your Noodle/Rice/Dumpling Fix Here!

If you’re stuck in Shanghai and are getting tired of digging through your pantry for the dregs of pasta and canned beans, great news! There are a growing list of restaurants open around town, and while SmartShanghai has been compiling the The Big and Growing List of Things That Are Open Now, there aren’t many Chinese restaurants on the list. So we’ve reached out to our guides, vendors, and friends to compile a list of some of our favorite local restaurants that are open during the extended Chinese New Year for you (and some of them are available on if you don’t want to venture out).

Bellagio Taiwanese Food (鹿港小镇)

Many locations, including: IAPM Mall, 999 Huaihuai Middle Rd, near Shaanxi South Rd.


Also available on eleme.

Dong Tai Xiang Shengjianbao (东泰祥)

309 Shaanxi Nan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu
陕西南路309号, 近建国西路

Guyi Hunan Restaurant (古意)

87 Fumin Rd, near Julu Rd.



IAPM Mall, 999 Huaihuai Middle Rd, near Shaanxi South Rd.

Henan Noodles  (河南拉面银铃餐厅)

419 Changle Lu, near Xiangyang Lu


Halal Beef Noodles (精品牛肉面)

52 Gao’an Rd, near Hengshan Rd


Imperial Noodles (御面馆)

607 Changle Lu, near Donghu Lu


Jiu Kuan Ningbo Restaurant (旧款宁波饭店)

660 Yan’an West Rd, near Zhenning Rd

Old Jesse (老吉士)

41 Tianping Rd, near Huaihai Middle Rd.


Tsui Wah Cantonese Diner

Many locations, including: 291 Fumin Rd, near Changle Rd.


Also available on eleme.

Wei Xiang Zhai (味香斋)

14 Yandang Lu, near Huaihai Lu

Yang’s Dumplings (小杨生煎包)

Many locations, including: 816 Yuyuan Rd, near Jiangsu Rd metro.


Also available on eleme.

Yershari Xinjiang (耶里夏丽)

680 Zhaojiabang Rd, near Wulumuqi South Rd.


Also available on eleme.

We’ll be updating this list as more stuff opens up, but if you know of any more, please add UnTour on WeChat and message us or email us at and we will keep this list up to date.

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