We Love Our UnTour Running Guests

And based on their feedback, they are loving us right back. We’ll post a few food tour reviews we’ve gotten in the next few days, but here are just a few things the runners have to say!

What a fabulous way to get to know a city. We came to shanghai to mix business and pleasure, and on the first morning had a first class orientation with Kyle who ran with us from the French Concession to the Bund. Alleyways, mansions, markets and malls all discovered before breakfast. We couldn’t have asked for a better tour. The run was paced to our needs, carefully planned to maximize places of interest, and the commentary gave a great insight into the real world of Shanghai. Kyle was so engaging and easy to run with – he even carried all our water! Can’t recommend this highly enough; and of course the more you run the more you can eat. – From our TripAdvisor Page

And from Ctrip’s Aimee G.:

Setting out from the corner of Yongjia Lu and Shaanxi Lu in the French Concession, we worked our way south, taking in Cité Bourgogne, a shikumen-style lane complex, before heading west along Jianguo Xi Lu, through the winding cobbled lanes of Taikang Lu(Tianzifang), its bohemian-style shops and cafes laying silently in wait for the tourist assault that would strike later that day.

We then passed the newly renovated Sinan Mansionscomplex and did a round of Fuxing Park, which, true to form was filled with lively music and housewives working out to Michael Jackson, classical dance and retirees practicing tai chi. And all the while,  Kyle kept up a steady stream of informative conversation that ranged from a brief history of each attraction we passed or observations on Chinese society to must-try eating and drinking spots.

Thanks guys!

Fight The Urge to Mute This China Video
10 Reasons to Keep Your Jogging Routine up in Shanghai (Part 2 of 2)

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