Blade Runner

Lights off at the Bund!

Most people are quite surprised to learn that the lights don’t actually stay on very late down at the river walk. For electricity/money saving reasons, no doubt, they lights turn off at 11 pm prompt. The city shuts off just … Read More

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Shanghai Shines at Night!

Both Kyle and I went to university in Washington, DC, so we’ve been more than a little jealous checking out all our former classmates’ Instagrams/Facebook posts/Youtube videos of the amazing final flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery over the nation’s … Read More

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It’s High Time to do a Sightseeing jog in Shanghai

A little runner’s high on vacation or business never hurt. And an ever-growing body of evolutionary science appears to be backing up the notion that us mammals are meant to experience it. Researchers had humans and dogs—both natural-born runners—jog a … Read More

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Running in Shanghai- The earlier the better!

UnTour Shanghai showed up on the front page of the Travel section in German’s premier newspaper, Die Welt. For the full article, in German, click here. Zu dick ist die Luft, zu chaotisch der Verkehr, zu heiß der Sommer, zu … Read More

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Best Fitness Tour of Shanghai!

A running tourof Shanghai of course! Here’s some great feedback we got from a recent guest from the USA. “A Fitness Tour You Can’t Miss!” My boyfriend & I went on the 10K running tour through Shanghai and had an … Read More

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