Reading Recommendations

Gluten Free Guide in Beijing

Navigating a city famed for its wheat products can be challenging for gluten-free travelers. Beijing is a city that runs on wheat. Steamed buns, dumplings, flatbreads and noodles making up staple daily diets of most Beijingers. But with a little … Read More

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Wu Jie, Vegetarian Restaurant, Shanghai

Shanghai’s Best Vegetarian Restaurants

East Asian Buddhists do not follow a vegetarian diet as strictly as other practitioners, but when they do, they do it well. Some restaurants offer meat substitutes, made from gluten, tofu and mushrooms, while others let the vegetables speak for … Read More

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Beijing Summer

What We’re Reading – October 2017

When you’re planning a trip to China, doing a little research reading books about China and doing other background research can pay off in spades in terms of enhancing your cultural understanding while you’re on the ground. Plus, everyone needs something … Read More

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What We’re Reading: September

When you’re planning a trip to China, doing a little research reading books about China and doing other background research can pay off in spades in terms of enhancing your cultural understanding while you’re on the ground. Plus, everyone needs something … Read More

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