
Zhang Mama Ordering Guide – w/ Pictures!

Headed to Zhang Mama for the best Sichuan food in Beijing, but not sure what to order? UnTour Food Tours wrote the Zhang Mama Ordering Guide to make sure you get the best meal possible (even if you can’t read … Read More

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Peking Duck For Every Budget

Peking Duck For Every Budget Let’s be real: Peking Duck is a must on any trip/visit/stay/life in the capital city. Sometimes you need a quick fix and you go cheap. Sometimes your rich aunt is visiting and the budget doesn’t … Read More

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Foodie Flashcards: Hot and Sour Potatoes

Hungry to improve your Chinese vocabulary, but don’t know where to dig in? Welcome to our weekly Foodie Flashcard series. Follow along, study these morsels of knowledge, then dig in at your local restaurant to fully digest the information. How … Read More

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Beijing Restaurants

5 Must-Try Themed Restaurants in Beijing

If you’ve checked all the boxes of your traditional dinners out in Beijing, maybe it’s time to look a little further afield for some fresh experiences. Everyone loves a themed dinner party, right? Why not take the idea to the … Read More

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Does Your Local Jianbing Vendor Earn More Than You?

Rumors have been swirling around the Chinese internet about jianbing makers wildly out-earning the entry-level, college-graduating youth of today. But how much of that is actually true? Netizens have been sharing stories about a Jianbing chef making 30,000 RMB a … Read More

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